Our secret is to combine our tradition and experience gained over many years with a creative and constant search for new ideas in the chocolate field whilst respecting its quality and image.
Our production is divided into various lines, to satisfy any of our customers’ needs in terms of flavours, images, packaging and anniversaries.
Current product lines include:
This is the line designed for the modern channel, colourful and joyful, with original and exclusive products.
For the Christmas range, we offer new Cone Snacks in hanging version with hooks to decorate your tree with delicious chocolate!
We are able to create customized wrapping of our products for the Ho.Re.Ca. channel. and for corporate gifts.
We also have the possibility to customize real gift boxes.
Presso il nostro spaccio aziendale in Viale Vittorio Veneto 236 a Vignola (Mo), potrete trovare tutti i nostri prodotti e le confezioni regalo, con la possibilità dell’acquisto a sfuso o assortiti a piacere.
Nei periodi del Natale e Pasqua inoltre offriamo servizio di prenotazione per trasformare in realtà le vostre idee regalo.
v.le Vittorio Veneto, 236 – 41058 Vignola (MO) – Italy
Tel: +39 059 774208
P.IVA: IT02613860366
Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Modena nr.02613860366 – REA 316211